Monday, November 17, 2008

Circus with a capital "C"

Here we are on Nov.17, time for a Chapman update. The only major news is that we can't seem to stay well these days. Toward the beginning of the month Amy and Bethany were sick and went through a round of antibiotics, then it was Joanna's turn. Now today Joanna is sick again, this time stomach instead of throat. The boys (no, MEN!) have managed to dodge the sickness bullet for now, let's just hope we can keep it up.

On Saturday we were able to attend the Circus. Notice it was the capital "C" circus (Wringling brothers, et all). Amy says she has never been to the real Circus before, and I can't remember if I have or not (big surprise). But both of us can remember going to a really bad circus. My Really Bad Circus involved a leaky tent and really horrible looking camels. All that being said, we enjoyed the Circus very much. I hope the Circus doesn't Sue me for posting these pictures:

After the Circus, we went to Gattiland for a birthday party, where this lovely picture was taken:

Lastly, I want to share with everyone the Wonder that is Cows in the Kitchen. Our first two children were both obsessed with this book at one time or another. Now it's Bethany's turn. Say it with me now: "Cows in the kitchen, Moo, Moo, Moo!"

That's about all the news that's News for now. Check back in a couple weeks, I'm sure to have a turkey story...


Maria said...

As your official memory of all things that happened before age 18, I can verify that you've been to several circuses, included one that had to be evacuated due to a tornado, but I think you're right, this might have been your first "C"ircus.

When I visit Eastern KY for Thanksgiving I'll have to be on the lookout for Bethany's brand of duck that says "shack, shack, shack" :-)

mecm said...

Funny thing...Stephie has a throat problem now!